Compare means from baredSC results

baredSC outputs can be used to evaluate the fold-change of expression between 2 conditions.


We use the same inputs as in previous input descriptions.

Run baredSC on each subpopulation

Let’s focus on cells of group 0.0 and group 3.0 (they correspond to each of the 2 gaussians found previously). To increase the speed we will use less bins (--nx 25):

$ for group in 0 3; do
    for nnorm in 1 2; do
      baredSC_1d \
        --input example/nih3t3_generated_2d_2.txt \
        --metadata1ColName 0.5_0_0_0.5_group \
        --metadata1Values ${group}.0 \
        --geneColName 0.5_0_0_0.5_x \
        --output example/first_example_1d_group${group}_${nnorm}gauss_25_neff200 \
        --nnorm ${nnorm} --nx 25 --minNeff 200 \
        --figure example/first_example_1d_group${group}_${nnorm}gauss_25_neff200.png \
        --title "first gene ${nnorm} gauss group${group} 25 bins neff200" \
        --logevidence example/first_example_1d_group${group}_${nnorm}gauss_25_neff200_logevid.txt
    combineMultipleModels_1d \
      --input example/nih3t3_generated_2d_2.txt \
      --metadata1ColName 0.5_0_0_0.5_group \
      --metadata1Values ${group}.0 \
      --geneColName 0.5_0_0_0.5_x --nx 25 \
      --outputs example/first_example_1d_group${group}_1gauss_25_neff200 \
      example/first_example_1d_group${group}_2gauss_25_neff200 \
      --figure example/first_example_1d_group${group}_1-2gauss_25.png \
      --title "first gene group$group 25 bins 1 and 2 gauss"

In one case, 100 000 samples were not sufficient.

We check the QC. We can now compare the results:

../../_images/first_example_1d_group0_1-2gauss_25.png ../../_images/first_example_1d_group3_1-2gauss_25.png

We can see that the tool fits relatively nicely the gaussians which were in inputs.

If we use another metadata which is just 300 and 500 random cells:

$ for group in 1 2; do
    for nnorm in 1 2 3; do
      baredSC_1d \
        --input example/nih3t3_generated_2d_2.txt \
        --metadata1ColName group \
        --metadata1Values group${group} \
        --geneColName 0.5_0_0_0.5_x \
        --output example/first_example_1d_cellgroup${group}_${nnorm}gauss_25_neff200 \
        --nnorm ${nnorm} --nx 25 --minNeff 200 \
        --figure example/first_example_1d_cellgroup${group}_${nnorm}gauss_25_neff200.png \
        --title "first gene ${nnorm} gauss cellgroup${group}" \
        --logevidence example/first_example_1d_cellgroup${group}_${nnorm}gauss_25_neff200_logevid.txt
    combineMultipleModels_1d \
      --input example/nih3t3_generated_2d_2.txt \
      --metadata1ColName group \
      --metadata1Values group${group} \
      --geneColName 0.5_0_0_0.5_x --nx 25 \
      --outputs example/first_example_1d_cellgroup${group}_1gauss_25_neff200 \
      example/first_example_1d_cellgroup${group}_2gauss_25_neff200 \
      example/first_example_1d_cellgroup${group}_3gauss_25_neff200 \
      --figure example/first_example_1d_cellgroup${group}_1-3gauss_25.png \
      --title "first gene cellgroup$group 25 bins 1, 2 and 3 gauss"

We see that the results are different in both groups but in both cases the confidence interval is quite large:

../../_images/first_example_1d_cellgroup1_1-3gauss_25.png ../../_images/first_example_1d_cellgroup2_1-3gauss_25.png

One of the output is *_means.txt.gz. Each line correspond to the value of the mean expression evaluated at each sample of the MCMC. It can be used to estimate:

  • A confidence interval on the mean value (in the used axis log(1 + 10^4 * expression))

  • A confidence interval on the fold change (delogged).

In [1]: import numpy as np
   ...: def delog(x):
   ...:     return(1e-4 * (np.exp(x) - 1))
   ...: my_quantiles = [0.5 - 0.6827 / 2, 0.5, 0.5 + 0.6827 / 2]
   ...: # Get data
   ...: means1 = np.genfromtxt('../example/first_example_1d_group0_1-2gauss_25_means.txt.gz')
   ...: print(f'Values of mean in group0: {means1}')
   ...: means2 = np.genfromtxt('../example/first_example_1d_group3_1-2gauss_25_means.txt.gz')
   ...: print(f'Values of mean in group3: {means2}')
   ...: # Shuffle means2
   ...: np.random.shuffle(means2)
   ...: print(f'Mean log expression in group0: {np.quantile(means1, my_quantiles)}')
   ...: print(f'Mean log expression in group3: {np.quantile(means2, my_quantiles)}')
   ...: fc = [delog(x1) / delog(x2) for x1, x2 in zip(means1, means2)]
   ...: print(f'Estimation of fold-change: {np.quantile(fc,  my_quantiles)}')
Values of mean in group0: [0.35776993 0.35776993 0.35776993 ... 0.34672964 0.34672964 0.38877004]
Values of mean in group3: [1.00746002 1.02085388 1.02085388 ... 1.00369734 1.01363153 1.02256951]
Mean log expression in group0: [0.33838793 0.34953488 0.36060358]
Mean log expression in group3: [0.99479228 1.00628287 1.01751424]
Estimation of fold-change: [0.2310856  0.24111249 0.25135073]

We can use matplotlib to display the results graphically:

In [2]: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
   ...: x1, x2 = np.random.normal(1, 0.1, len(means1)), np.random.normal(3, 0.1, len(means2))
   ...: fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 2)
   ...: axs[0].scatter(x1, means1, s=1, alpha=0.01)
   ...: axs[0].scatter(x2, means2, s=1, alpha=0.01)
   ...: axs[0].set_ylim(0, )
   ...: axs[0].set_ylabel('log(1 + expression * 10\'000)')
   ...: axs[0].set_xticks([1, 3])
   ...: axs[0].set_xticklabels(['group0', 'group3'], fontsize='x-large')
   ...: axs[1].scatter(x1[:len(fc)], fc, s=1, alpha=0.01)
   ...: axs[1].set_xticks([1])
   ...: axs[1].set_xticklabels(['fold-change'], fontsize='x-large')
   ...: axs[1].set_ylim(0, )
   ...: axs[1].set_ylabel('Fold-change (not log transformed)')
   ...: fig.tight_layout()

On the first example with group0 and group3 where each is a different gaussian, we see a mean log expression around the expected 0.375 value in group 0, 1 in group 3. We see that the fold-change is around 25% (this is the real fold-change, not log transformed).

Now if we have a look to the subsamples of cells (300 and 500 cells) and perform the same analysis:

In [3]: # Get data
   ...: means1 = np.genfromtxt('../example/first_example_1d_cellgroup1_1-3gauss_25_means.txt.gz')
   ...: print(f'Values of mean in cellgroup1: {means1}')
   ...: means2 = np.genfromtxt('../example/first_example_1d_cellgroup2_1-3gauss_25_means.txt.gz')
   ...: print(f'Values of mean in cellgroup2: {means2}')
   ...: # Shuffle means2
   ...: np.random.shuffle(means2)
   ...: print(f'Mean log expression in cellgroup1: {np.quantile(means1, my_quantiles)}')
   ...: print(f'Mean log expression in cellgroup2: {np.quantile(means2, my_quantiles)}')
   ...: fc = [delog(x1) / delog(x2) for x1, x2 in zip(means1, means2)]
   ...: print(f'Estimation of fold-change: {np.quantile(fc,  my_quantiles)}')
Values of mean in cellgroup1: [0.66035127 0.66035127 0.62547552 ... 0.62783495 0.62783495 0.62783495]
Values of mean in cellgroup2: [0.68203872 0.69214061 0.71198453 ... 0.70698152 0.70698152 0.70698152]
Mean log expression in cellgroup1: [0.6161945  0.64620379 0.67630369]
Mean log expression in cellgroup2: [0.66763529 0.69110072 0.71426981]
Estimation of fold-change: [0.84307779 0.91221568 0.98619712]
In [4]: x1, x2 = np.random.normal(1, 0.1, len(means1)), np.random.normal(3, 0.1, len(means2))
   ...: fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 2)
   ...: axs[0].scatter(x1, means1, s=1, alpha=0.01)
   ...: axs[0].scatter(x2, means2, s=1, alpha=0.01)
   ...: axs[0].set_ylim(0, )
   ...: axs[0].set_ylabel('log(1 + expression * 10\'000)')
   ...: axs[0].set_xticks([1, 3])
   ...: axs[0].set_xticklabels(['cellgroup1', 'cellgroup2'], fontsize='x-large')
   ...: axs[1].scatter(x1[:len(fc)], fc, s=1, alpha=0.01)
   ...: axs[1].set_xticks([1])
   ...: axs[1].set_xticklabels(['fold-change'], fontsize='x-large')
   ...: axs[1].set_ylim(0, )
   ...: axs[1].set_ylabel('Fold-change (not log transformed)')
   ...: fig.tight_layout()

Here, we can see that the fold-change is slightly below 1.